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Download the TKnorris Repository zip file > Open Kodi > Click Add-ons > Click the Box Icon. Select Install How to Install Exodus Kodi 18 on Leia Beta Version. 19 Aug 2016 Here we have a simple tutorial on how to install tknorris repository as a tknorris BETA Repository: Download Select Install from zip file. 29 Dec 2016 Before we start you need to know the url of the zip you wish to download. For this example I am going to use the TKNorris Beta Testing repo zip. 19 Oct 2019 The Stream All The Sources add-on has moved far from tknorris and is one single form, rather than an official and a beta adaptation of tknorris used to. Download Kodil Repository Zip file from  Added sleep when doing file operations (useful for slower devices) Install/Download Apk from Aptoide APK Store. 1 Jan 2020 Seren addon may be in the beta phase, but is still the best Kodi addon Here's a guide of how to Install krypton 17.6 with XvBMC, TkNorris & Kodil Repo. After downloading the zip file, connect to the Plex Server and start  15 Sep 2019 Launch Kodi; Go to settings (gear icon); Select File Manager; On the left, Click Package Installer (box icon on top right); Hit Install from zip file; Select You can download it from the link and then Go back to install from repository; Select tknorris Release Repository; Click 

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